The WMF is a Member of
The International Association of Women’s Museums

The WMF Library for Books & Documents

Services of The Women and Memory Library and Documentation Center

The WMF Library for Books & Documents offers a number of different services.

1- Library Catalogue

In collaboration with the Egyptian Universities Libraries Consortium (EULC), the WMF Library for Books & Documents established a fully indexed library that meets the international indexing standards. The Library aims to provide the best knowledge services for scholars and researchers, and meet their various academic needs. To access the library catalogue, press here.
This electronic catalogue provides summaries in both Arabic and English for a number of holdings, in addition to MARC-generated bibliographic descriptions. The WMF’s long-term objective is to digitize all its holdings to facilitate access. Currently, all holdings are searchable offsite via the electronic catalogue, but accessible on site at the headquarters of the Women and Memory Forum.

2- Feminist Digital Library

The WMF Library for Books & Documents established the Feminist Digital Library to stand as a gateway to knowledge on women and gender. To fulfil this purpose, and believing in the importance of free access to knowledge, the WMF Library for Books & Documents offers all the holdings of its Feminist Digital Library in open access (in addition to the print version), making the Feminist Library available to the public, to view and download, free of charge.

The Feminist Digital Library encompasses the WMF’s publications and acquisitions, including both traditional knowledge resources, as well as resources not commonly available through traditional publishing outlets, particularly grey literature and limited circulation publications.

The Feminist Digital Library offers WMF’s original and translated publications, its educational material for children and adults in the field of gender, as well as the works and private papers of women pioneers and public figures, acquired and published by the WMF, in addition to other knowledge resources on women and feminist studies. To access WMF’s Publications, press here

The Feminist Digital Library also includes the rare periodicals and newspapers published in the Arab World, and acquired and digitized by the WMF to be available for direct download. To access the Periodicals, press here.

3- Film Library

The WMF Library for Books & Documents has a diverse Film Library, with holdings ranging from short films, feature films, and documentary short films, and documentaries in addition to reportages and video recordings of events and activities related to women’s issues. To access the Film Library catalogue, press here

This electronic catalogue provides the titles and storage formats of the Film Library holdings. Currently, all holdings are searchable offsite via the electronic catalogue, and accessible on site at the headquarters of the Women and Memory Forum.

4- Private Collections

The WMF Library for Books & Documents holds the private collections of a number of Egyptian women pioneers. The collections include personal and family photographs, personal belongings, testimonies, among other documents. To access WMF’s Private Collections, press here.